How to Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions After a Breakup

How to Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions After a Breakup

Allowing yourself to truly feel your emotions can be challenging, especially when they’re intense or painful. These emotions can be overwhelming and can consume your every thought. But giving yourself permission to experience those feelings is key to healing. Here are some steps you can take to embrace your emotions in a healthy and compassionate way:

1. Create a Safe Space for Your Emotions

Set aside time and space where you can freely experience your emotions without distractions or judgment. This could be a quiet corner in your home, a nature walk, or even just sitting in your car. The key is to have a place where you feel comfortable enough to let your emotions surface.

Feeling comfortable and save is vital.  Suddenly being alone can have a major negative impact on your wellbeing. Trust me when I tell you, that investing in creating a save and comfortable space for experiencing your feelings is important.  

Something as simple as buying yourself a weighted blanket will make a huge difference.  The feeling of suddenly sleeping alone is very distressing.  After my first couple of nights alone, I invested in a weighted blanket.  Somehow it made me feel less "alone" at night and i was able to give my body the rest it so desperately needed. I spent hours curled up my weighted blanket. There are obviously many other benefits to a weighted blanket, but my main benefit was tricking my mind into believing that I was not alone at night in bed....sounds silly, but it worker for me.

 Weighted Idea Weighted Blanket for Adults

2. Acknowledge What You’re Feeling

Often, we try to label our emotions as “good” or “bad.” Instead, focus on simply naming what you’re feeling without judgment. Whether it’s sadness, anger, confusion, or relief, say it out loud or write it down: “I feel hurt,” “I feel betrayed,” or “I feel lonely.” By acknowledging what you feel, you validate your experience and create space for healing.

In those firsts weeks (even months) of separation from your ex, identifying and acknowledging your feelings can be hard - you are simply feeling to many things all at the same time. You need to differentiate between the numerous emotions and name them! Don't give them power over you! You will be overwhelmed and you will be confused.  Breath deeply and slowly.  Don't be scarred of what you are feeling.  It is important to track and identify which emotions are affecting you and by identifying them you can start to work on controlling them and setting yourself free from them.

Emotion Track Journal: A Guide to Tracking and Managing Your Emotions| Based on psychological research| For Teens & Adults.

3. Journal Your Emotions Freely

Writing can be a therapeutic way to process emotions. Grab a journal and let your thoughts flow without filtering them. You don’t need to worry about grammar or making sense—just write whatever comes to mind. Journaling helps you release pent-up feelings and provides clarity on what’s really going on beneath the surface.

The Breakup Recovery Journal: A Guided Journal

4. Practice Mindful Breathing

When emotions become overwhelming (and believe me they will!), grounding yourself through mindful breathing can help. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold for a moment, then exhale slowly through your mouth.

As you do this, visualize yourself releasing the tension and stress you’re holding onto. Mindful breathing allows you to feel your emotions without being consumed by them.

Mindsight 'Breathing Buddha' Guided Visual Meditation Tool for Mindfulness

5. Allow Yourself to Cry

Tears are a natural way your body releases emotional stress. If you feel the urge to cry, don’t hold back. Whether you cry alone, with a trusted friend, or in the shower, allow those tears to flow. Crying is a form of release and can bring a sense of relief after the emotional buildup.

Don't keep your sadness pent up inside!  Just let go and cry! I cried everywhere! The slightest trigger or reminder would have me in tears, and that was okay! I had a lot of sadness and releasing that sadness made a world of difference.

6. Use Creative Expression

Sometimes words aren’t enough to capture what you’re feeling. Consider expressing your emotions through art, music, or movement. Paint, draw, dance, or even play music that resonates with your mood. Creative expression is a powerful outlet for emotions and can help you connect with and process what you’re going through.

7. Talk to Someone You Trust

Sharing your feelings with someone who understands can make a big difference. Whether it’s a close friend, family member, or therapist, having a compassionate listener can help you feel supported and less alone. Sometimes, just talking through what you’re feeling brings clarity and comfort.

8. Accept That It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

One of the biggest barriers to feeling our emotions is the belief that we must always be “okay.” It’s okay to feel broken, lost, or uncertain. Healing isn’t about forcing yourself to feel better; it’s about accepting where you are right now and giving yourself grace as you navigate through it. Allow yourself to feel without rushing the process.

It's OK That You're Not OK

By taking these steps, you create room for your emotions to flow naturally and, ultimately, begin to heal. Remember, feeling your emotions is not a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of strength and resilience. You’re giving yourself the time and compassion needed to move forward, one step at a time.
